
Currently, we train 23 WEP interns to prepare them for job placement. The goal is to ensure each intern is employed by completion of the program.

At the end of the day, we transform lives through employment and the tools to start their own businesses.

We provide housing to single parents with children and move families from drug and crime-ridden areas to better neighborhoods. The purpose is to provide equal social, economic and educational opportunities for their families. These families need assistance to place their children in good schools and allow them to contribute to the social fabric of communities in which they are invested. In all likelihood, the children will grow up to care for their aging parents.

We want to acquire low-interest mortgages in order to purchase houses for these groups. We receive an overwhelming number of inquiries from people in need of assistance. The women we worked with have amazing stories about the improvements made in their lives. They are happy about their homes, and are comforted in knowing that their kids are safe and attending quality schools. Ultimately the parents themselves will become economically self-sufficient.

In addition, we seek to assist African women of all ages, (more so the elder men and women who cannot find anything to do.)